Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus quis faucibus elit. Sed interdum nec mauris vitae tristique. Integer vel enim porta, porttitor neque quis, laoreet purus. Nulla eu ligula viverra nisi volutpat mollis sit amet eget ipsum. Donec ultrices rhoncus felis id imperdiet. Mauris nec ex quis purus tempor egestas id ac nisi. Quisque vitae nunc elit. Cras rhoncus eget massa id aliquam.

Nulla non tellus vel magna fringilla gravida. Quisque condimentum facilisis orci at laoreet.

Which specialties do we serve?

  • Hospice agencies
  • Rehabilitation and therapy services providers
  • Long-term care pharmacy
  • Primary care/geriatrics
  • Any healthcare provider who offers services to the residents of senior housing

Ryan Chase, Partner and Executive Managing Director at Blueprint

NIC MAP Vision Testimonial Series

Ryan Chase shares his experience as a NIC MAP Vision customer and how the platform dramatically sped up his workflow. He also discusses how he takes advantage of his dual subscription, using both VisionLTC demand data and NIC MAP supply-side data simultaneously.   

Now more than ever, the actionable data provided by NIC MAP Vision can help you stay informed. Trusted by more than 5,000 customers and built exclusively for the senior housing and care sector, NIC MAP Vision provides comprehensive nationwide supply and demand metrics on 35K+ properties with more than 15 years of comprehensive, time-series market data at the metro level

We help you make faster, smarter strategic decisions about organic and inorganic growth. Our unique dataset offers unparalleled insights about senior housing communities, their operators, and their residents.







Nulla non tellus vel magna fringilla gravida. Quisque condimentum facilisis orci at laoreet.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Phasellus quis faucibus elit sed interdum nec mauris vitae tristique.
  • Integer vel enim porta, porttitor neque quis, laoreet purus.
  • Nulla eu ligula viverra nisi volutpat mollis sit amet eget ipsum

Senior Housing + Healthcare

Identify partnerships with senior housing operators.


Understanding senior housing communities and their healthcare needs. See data on residents’ healthcare utilization and power relationships:

  • Building unit mix and demographics
  • All provider entities who care for residents of the building
  • Chronic conditions scoring

View Connections

View connections between providers, buildings and geographies. See data on residents’ healthcare utilization and provider relationships:

  • See national building portfolios for care providers or housing operators
  • Reveal key decision-makers inside operator organizations
  • Access to one-click contact information for key contacts, including c-suite leaders

Looking Ahead

See into the future of your market. Look ahead to align your strategy to new development in your geographies and target segment:

  • Identify new development projects years ahead of groundbreaking in any market nationwide

Interest from healthcare providers in 2023 has been robust, and NIC MAP Vision now supplies data to the top three long-term care pharmacy providers, four of the top six rehabilitation services providers in assisted living, several leading hospice organizations and some of the most innovative primary care practices serving residents of senior housing.

“Healthcare providers understand that their growth strategies depend on comprehensive market intelligence about senior housing communities, residents, and other providers in the market. It’s exciting to see our healthcare provider clients activating and accelerating their growth strategies using our data, and we know there are more opportunities to forge connections ahead.”

Arick Morton, CEO


Talk to a NIC MAP Vision representative today!

Now more than ever, the actionable data provided by NIC MAP Vision can help you stay informed. Trusted by more than 5,000 customers and built exclusively for the senior housing and care sector, NIC MAP Vision provides comprehensive nationwide supply and demand metrics on 35K+ properties with more than 15 years of comprehensive, time-series market data at the metro level.

To best serve you, we’d like to learn more about your current business needs to provide next steps regarding reviewing our robust analytics.

Fill out the form below to be connected with a representative who will quickly assess your business needs, suggest next steps, and schedule a demo with a product expert for a deeper dive.